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Looking for work support

Whether you're at the beginning of your job search, you're looking to update your CV, or you are preparing for a job interview, take a look at some tips below.

There are many ways in which to look for work. From online job boards, attending local recruitment events, or checking an employer website and searching the hidden jobs market, here are some ways in which you can look for work. Find job vacancies | National Careers Service

Creating a CV which stands out from the crowd can often be challenging. Take a look at some tips from the National Careers Service. CV advice | National Careers Service 

Some employers will ask for you to complete an application form for a role. Get advice and guidance on how to answer questions and the types of questions which might be included.

Attending job interviews can often be nerve-wracking, wherever you are on your work journey. Get tips on how to make a good impression along with how to prepare and show off what you have to offer. Interview advice | National Careers Service