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Salford Employment Hub 

Providing careers, skills and recruitment support to Salford residents and employers, Salford Employment Hub has a range of access points including face-to-face delivery, telephone contact and online.

Salford Employ is committed to providing continued support to Salford residents and employers, with face-to-face, telephone and digital support available. Please email: , or click the link below.

Find out more

Supported Employment is everyone's responsibility

In Salford, we believe people with a learning disability and/or autism deserve the same opportunities in life as their peers, including paid employment. We know that most people with a learning disability or autism can and want to work, as long as they have access to the right support.


Having a job isn’t just about earning an income - it’s much more than that. Securing work can help individuals to build independence, confidence, and skills, as well as widening friendships and social networks, and being seen as a full member of society.

However, finding and sustaining employment can sometimes be tough for some people with autism or learning disabilities, but our Supported Employment Service is here to help. The service helps people with learning disabilities or autism to find a job and ongoing support in the workplace to sustain employment. We work with a wide range of businesses and organisations and provide support for both the employee and employer for as long as needed.

Our supported employment key workers take the time to get to know a person’s individual needs, skills, interests and goals. Exploring these areas with participants helps the key worker to match individuals with the most suitable jobs. At the same time, the team works with the employer to make sure the necessary workplace adjustments and in-work support in place before they start.

We will help you every step of the way, including supporting you with benefit claims to ensure you receive the correct benefits whilst in work. A lot of people are worried of losing benefits they have received all their lives, but it does not mean you will be worse off financially by working, as other benefits can be claimed whilst in-work. As such, we will work with you to maximise your income, working hours and any financial benefits you are entitled to.

The support provided for each person may vary but will consist of 12 months pre work support to help people develop the necessary skills, experience, and confidence to secure employment, and then in-work support to sustain employment.

Salford Jobs Club 

  • Eligible to anyone 16+
  • Any group can attend.
  • Every Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00
  • Eccles Gateway, 28, Barton Lane, Eccles, M30 OTU
  • 18+ only
  • Drop-in session, so open to anyone who wants to build their CV.
  • Mondays and Fridays 10:00 – 12:00
  • 110 Oldham Road, Manchester, M4 6AG
  • Anyone looking for employment.
  • Thursdays 11:00 – 13:00
  • Pendleton Gateway
  • Any residents in the Salford area
  • Drop-in session, so open to anyone who wants to build their CV, application info and interview preparation.
  • Mondays and Fridays 11:00 – 13:00
  • Pendleton Library,

Drama workshops for long term sick and/or economically inactive to build confidence and increase wellbeing, employability skills and literacy levels. This will prepare learners empowering them to progress onto accredited learning programmes with an AEB funded provider.  

Contact ​​ or call ​​07903 142358​.

Mustard Tree’s Freedom Project is a six-month life-skills and employability training programme, enabling individuals to build their confidence, build their community, and go on to secure sustainable and fair employment. 

Contact ​​​ or call 07708 845080.

This project aims to increase employment and training opportunities for disabled people facing significant barriers by providing them with comprehensive support and resources. This includes an 8-week course covering various topics, continued 1:1/small group support, and partnerships with Salford organisations that can provide additional guidance and mentorship. 

Contact ​​​ or call ​​0161 234 3950​.

To prepare people within neighbourhoods of Salford with skills and confidence to progress to functional skills and pathways into accredited vocational programmes by developing essential digital skills, Core Work Based Training and a Work Based Placement opportunity.

Contact ​​​ or call ​​0161 743 3625​.

To deliver a programme of Maths, English and IT that enhances skills through a model based on relevance, areas of interests and its usefulness in everyday life, using maths, English and IT positively impacting  as  fundamental  parts of people’s everyday lives. 

Contact ​​​ or call 0161 832 9807.

We aim to improve economic and social empowerment through delivery of Life and IT skills relevant to our community needs.  We will help under employed and self-employed community members develop skills to take advantage of tools and applications available to enhance their advancement and ease the pressure on Universal Credit.

Contact ​​​ or call ​​07917 567763​.

The Ability Cooperative is here to create and pursue clear pathways for learning life-skills and explore employment for adults with Learning Disabilities at Princes Park Garden Centre. Using our onsite horticulture, gardening, woodworking, community cafe, charity shop, retail shop and other partner opportunities to co-design pathways towards learning/skills and exploring work.

Contact or call 07894 162637.

Our project aims to provide equal opportunities for women who, due to ethnicity, will not attend the facilities of the general public. To provide a holistic, person-centred approach so users can overcome personal barriers and gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to succeed in today's economic world. 

Contact or call 0161 720 8222.

Open Learners’ is an innovative, cross-community partnership aiming to raise employment, training and skill levels and remove barriers to employment to both able bodied and developmentally challenged members of The Greater Manchester (based in East Salford) Jewish Community whose ethnic needs are bypassed by existing service provision. ​​

Contact ​​​ or call ​​0161 720 8585​.

Our Going up project offers people across our community the opportunity to acknowledge their personal strengths and highlight their skills, experience and potential for development, which will support them to achieve financial security and lifelong well-being. 

Contact ​​​ or call ​​07482 606808​.