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Work and Skills Hubs

Whether you need help finding what jobs are out there, support with writing a CV or preparing for an interview, our staff can point you in the right direction. We hold drop-in sessions at locations across the borough each week, so you can pop in for a friendly chat and brew at a time and place that’s convenient for you.

  • Who is this event suitable for? Adults aged 18–68.
  • Booking required: No, you can just turn up.
  • Event organiser: Rochdale Borough Council

Find out more

Stay up-to-date on everything happening in Rochdale and follow Get Rochdale Working on Facebook.


​​The Digital Lab project will be offering digital evening classes and digital day sessions. The project seeks to empower residents with essential digital skills, bridging the gap in technological know-how and fostering inclusivity in the digital landscape. The Digital Lab project aims to equip Rochdale residents with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in an increasingly digital society. 

Contact ​​​ or call 07941 654 049.

‘Digital Inclusion’ will enable South Asian women in Rochdale to use computers and digital devices to engage with the wider world and take advantage of the opportunities they present. It will provide an essential step to achieving social and economic independence within both their own and the wider community.

Contact ​​​ or call ​​07809 253304​.

We aim to build the self-esteem and confidence of marginalised individuals in recovery from substance misuse by supporting them to remove barriers that prevent them engaging with education, training, or employment by providing fun, innovative, interactive and non-threatening personal development and motivational programmes in Rochdale. 

Contact or call 07895 434723.

KYP Steps to Success aims to engage individuals in fun, informal learning to develop self-confidence, build on existing skills and unleash inner potential, bringing residents closer to further learning or employment opportunities. Tailor-made provisions will subtly embed essential skills and utilise community assets to break down barriers and optimise routes to progression. 

Contact ​​​ or call ​​01706 630140​.

We want to set up a new project to engage economically inactive residents and those from racially disadvantaged communities within Rochdale Borough to empower them with essential math and numeracy skills, thereby enhancing their employability and ability to manage personal finances as well as their understanding of the benefits system. 

Contact ​​​ or call ​​07944 238892​.

Offering Wellbeing sessions: to understand barriers preventing engagement with education, training and support. Day-to-day English and Numeracy: improving confidence to speak and understand English in everyday situations; and how to apply maths in everyday situations e.g. cooking; budgeting.  Digital skills: use of everyday devices and online services.

Contact ​​​ or call ​​07786 273841​.

​​We will utilise the badge of Rochdale AFC to engage individuals with few or no qualifications, supporting them to explore different careers and volunteering opportunities through fun and engaging activities, improving maths, literacy and digital skills along the way.​ 

Contact ​​​ or call ​​01706 643836​.

Moving Up aims to provide a fun and accessible route towards employment that builds creativity, communication skills and digital confidence. With three main courses and two tasters that use arts and crafts, drama and music, learners will develop transferable skills that support their journey into work and further study.  

Contact or call 07722 001922.