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Bury Employment Support and Training 

Bury Employment Support and Training (Bury EST) is a Supported Employment Service offering advice, support and practical assistance to disadvantaged and disabled customers (who are eligible for funding) into employment, and meaningful activities such as independent living, independent travel, and life skills.

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Wild Works will nurture individuals furthest from employment to gain confidence, improve health and wellbeing and develop basic skills by taking learning out of the classroom and placing it outdoors in nature. Post engagement, learners will feel empowered and supported to continue their learning journeys with an improved quality of life. 

Contact or call 07874 888043.

Our aim is to inspire, coach, and empower NEETS post 16+ with low qualifications, including single parents. Our aim is for participants to gain self-purpose, confidence, enterprise-focused skills, to realise ambitions of employment or self-employment, improve mental health, create friendship groups, and reduce isolation and loneliness​.

Contact ​​​ or call 07977 472756.

​​Improving Employability will support clients to secure employment by enhancing their employability through job readiness support. This bespoke service includes CV development, interview preparation, job matching and training. We will support with information, advice, guidance on personal issues that may impact on employability e.g. Debt, Housing, benefits, health and emotional wellbeing.​ 

Contact ​​​ or call 0161 761 2079.

Our volunteers will use the benefit of their professional experience to help young adults re-engage with education and employment, specifically in the area of design technology (particularly computer and workshop based). This will be done in a socially engaging, supportive and informal manner with absolute focus on individuals’ specific needs.​ 

Contact ​​​ or call ​​07944 038512​.